Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) award
I’m thrilled, humbled and truly honored to receive my first Citrix CTP Achievement. It has always been a dream for me to be part of this great community – or better say one big family of 50 passionated people spread over the globe. Blogging, sharing and presenting my passion for innovative technologies on public events – and my personal blog christiaanbrinkhoff.com is something that I really enjoy to do. It is by far the best dedication to my community contributions which I’d performed throughout the past years!
“Follow Your Passion and You Will Never Work a Day in Your Life”
Is one of the most important quotes to fulfill community work. I’m really looking forward to 2018 and the first Synergy physical meetings in May at Anaheim – get to know more community people for future community collaboration work!
I already said it before, but I’ve no direct answer what it actually takes to become a CTP, but I think that sharing everything about you’re passion without need to receive something back definitely puts you in the right direction. I do my best to help others. I’ll keep motivated by raising the bar for myself. This resulted for this year in (not confirmed yet) some sessions for Synergy. I’d received the confirmation to present on the Denmark User Group in March and on E2E in June in my home country The Netherlands, Amsterdam. I’m also going to attend the Microsoft MVP Summit in March for the first time, who do I see there? I’m very excited what the year 2018 will bring!
And above that all. I’ve just become a father of a healthy daughter this week! Which is another outstanding and overwhelming feeling!
For the people who don’t know what the Citrix Technology Professional program is all about. “The Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP) Program provides an opportunity for participants to gain deeper insight into Citrix strategies and technologies, including advanced knowledge of planned projects. Awardees engage with Citrix leaders to help shape the future of cloud computing technologies that enable mobile workstyles, providing valuable input on business needs and feedback on product strategy.”
Note: Read here the complete Citrix Blogs article “Welcome CTP Class of 2018!”, to check all the new CTPs!
The benefits of the program:
- In-person meetings and private webinars with Citrix product teams for detailed discussions on current technologies and product roadmaps
- Special incentives to attend or speak at Citrix Synergy and other events
- Access to a private forum for discussions with Citrix product teams about technologies, product updates and priority technical support
- Access to demo licenses of current products and to early releases of future products
The CTP Program recognizes the contributions of individuals who have invested a significant amount of time and resources to become experts in Citrix products and solutions. The wealth of knowledge they have developed – and more importantly, openly shared – has proven invaluable to the Citrix technology community. These individuals have consistently demonstrated their real-world knowledge by:
- Sharing insights on web sites and contributing to online discussions (e.g. Citrix forums, Citrix Developer Network)
- Creating or fostering active communities of Citrix users (e.g. Citrix User Groups, Community Verified Citrix Compatibility)
- Publishing technical documentation, articles, or books
- Offering technical expertise in the field
- Speaking at IT conferences
Thanks all for supporting me, and have a great day!
Christiaan Brinkhoff