Windows in the Cloud: New Windows 11 integrations, Frontline, and other exciting news Event ended



Sep 26 2023, 08:00 AM - 08:30 AM (PDT)
Published on Sep 11 2023 02:36 PM (PDT) by Charlize Cheesman Community Manager
Edited on Sep 25 2023 04:26 PM (PDT)

Learn about the latest Windows 11 and Windows 365 integrations; discover updates to Windows 365 Boot, Windows 365 Switch, and Windows 365 Frontline; and hear more exciting news. Leaders from the Windows and Windows Cloud Experiences teams join Christiaan to reveal and discuss new features and give you a behind-the-scenes look at what you can expect from Microsoft in the future.

Missed an episode?

Catch up on demand and dive into Windows 365 capabilities with insights and demos from the Microsoft engineers bringing you Windows in the cloud! Learn how to easily deploy and manage Cloud PCs—and create a protected and productive experience for your end users! Join host Christiaan Brinkhoff as he also brings in members of the Windows 365 community to share best practices and adoption tips.

Have questions? Want tips from the engineers behind the product?

Post your questions below in advance and anytime during the show. You can also join our monthly Windows 365 Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA) events here on the Tech Community!


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