Windows Virtual Desktop Master Class
Event Start Date: January 28, 2021 | Event End Date: January 28, 2021 | Event Venue: Virtual event |
I’m presenting “10 things you didn’t know about Windows Virtual Desktop in 10 minutes” together with Dean Cefola.
- Get expert guidance on how to quickly and securely move your virtual desktops and apps to Azure.
- Learn best practices to monitor, automatically scale, and easily manage apps and images in your virtual desktop environment.
- Find out how to virtualize GPUs, multimedia, and high-performance computing workloads.
- Hear the latest product news and get details on upcoming features.
- See demos and participate in hands-on labs of virtualization tools and techniques.
You’ll also get to ask the product team your questions and network with your peers during the event in the live chat.
Sign-up here: Windows Virtual Desktop Event | Microsoft Azure