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Stop searching! See all the different Workspace solutions for Microsoft Azure in this Digital Workspace and DaaS Cheat Sheet – version 2.0 – 22 questions answered here

At the beginning of November, I’ve presented most of the comparison information at the E2EVC Virtualization event in Athens, Greece. It took a lot of time to gather all the information, with always the thought in mind to share it first with the attendees …


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Public Preview now available! Microsoft announces Azure Virtual Desktop – Multi-User on (only) Azure – is this the future of the Digital Workspace, what about RDmi? Get first insights here…

Before we move forward with the storyline of all the rumors- and everything else around the Windows 10 – Enterprise for Remote Sessions (ERS) – Multi-User – or whatever everyone called it – subject. I was fortunate to hear the news a bit earlier  – reading …